
To a Digital Valentine’s Day!

Have you had enough of Valentine’s Day posts already? Do you love or hate the whole Valentine’s hullabaloo? Well, how about looking at the funny side of it? We went around the digital space and found these hilarious visual expressions of love that play with the metaphors of this digital space. You have got to love the Internet! In the spirit of keeping it digital, these pictures, memes and cards were spotted on various sites, including Pinterest which you should not ignore in this day and age. Enjoy!

Google and cheesy pick-up lines

It’s still not too late to get yourself a date. So just in case you have run out of pick-up lines, here you go;

No love lost for Facebook

Then there are these ones alluding to Facebook. Facebook may not be the thing you love most but it still remains the most popular social network out here so this first card does make sense. The second is a definite win, especially for social media marketers. With Facebook’s algorithm changes, you would need to dig into your pocket to ensure people see your post. The ultimate sacrifice. I’d pay to be in your news feed translates to, I’d do anything for you. 😉

Ran short of words? Twitter’s got you covered.

They say actions speak louder than words anyway.

An Internet-Explorer-inspired Valentine’s Day

For those who have an affinity for the friend zone, this is perfect. Internet Explorer is still not as slow but hey, we cannot stop making fun of it.

Maybe these have given you a last-minute idea. They say it is the thought that counts. 😉 Pinterest also has pins for you to send someone. Check them out on this Pinterest blog.

Whether you are single or not, no point in being bitter about you being alone or your partner forgetting about the day. At least he/she is there to shower you with love 365 days a year. Enjoy it to the full, it is a passing day like any other. If you are a marketer and haven’t embraced the preparations to sell a product as a gift idea, you are missing the point.

A happy Valentine’s Day (or Singles’ Awareness Day) to you!

Photo credits: Pinterest

Fred Kithinzi

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