
WEBINAR HIGHLIGHTS: The right channels for communication during COVID-19

And we meet again in our second webinar. 

Compared to our first webinar, this one recorded more participants. 193 registrants and 111 attendees (58% turn-up rate). Talk of success! 

Zoom, Here We Come

In our first webinar, we used WebinarJam (WJ) for the software. However, with technical hitches experienced during the webinar, we humbled ourselves this time around. 

We used the now-famous teleconferencing software, Zoom. I know, I know, we said we are rebels…nothing’s changed. Hehe. 

The first webinar’s moderator, Joanne Talma – our Digital Media Lead – hosted the second webinar. And we were privileged to have Stephen Musyoka aka Syoks – Specialist, Digital Media at The Aga Khan University, East Africa – as our guest host. 

Below are the highlights from that webinar:

Here’s What You Need to Know

How do you communicate the right message to your TA

Positive and Negative Impacts on Industries

What channels are effective during these uncertain times?

Curious to know more? Watch the whole webinar or read the slides.

At the end of the day…

In these uncertain times, people have so much time on their hands but that does not mean that they are idle. Be part of the online conversations your target audience is having. Take this time, this opportunity to engage them using their language. Introduce them again to your brand: what don’t they know about you? Have hacks. Make it fun!  

“We are in this together” is one of the relevant angles to communicate during this time. Keep the connection.

See you at the next one! Early registration here 😃

Fred Kithinzi

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